Jakarta: In line with the Government’s enthusiasm to revive the tourism sector through sustainable tourism, the Acting Director-General of Immigration, Widodo Ekatjahjana, issued Circular Letter Number IMI-0533.GR.01.01 of 2022, which regulates immigration facilities through the opening of Visa Exemption and a Visa on Arrival (VoA) for tourism in the Riau Islands which is effective on 22 March 2022.
Director of Travel Documents, Visa, and Immigration Control at the Directorate General of Immigration Amran Aris said that a Visa Exemption facility for tourism was granted to tourists from Singapore (citizens and permanent residents) and ASEAN countries (Brunei Darussalam, Philippines, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam) through the designated Immigration Control Areas, namely:
⦁ Nongsa Terminal Bahari;
⦁ Batam Centre;
⦁ Sekupang;
⦁ Citra Tri Tunas;
⦁ Marina Teluk Senimba
Tanjung Uban
⦁ Bandar Bentan Telani Lagoi;
⦁ Bandar Seri Udana Lobam,
Tanjung Pinang
⦁ Sri Bintan Pura
Eligible foreign tourists will be allowed to enter the Riau Islands by showing the following documents:
– A passport that is still valid for at least 6 (six) months;
– A return ticket or a connecting ticket to continue the journey to another country,
– Proof of ownership of health insurance,
– Proof of accommodation confirmation
– Singapore Permanent Resident card
The immigration officer gives an entry sign for the Visa Exemption facility at the immigration control area, which is valid as a Visitor Stay Permit with a maximum of 14 (fourteen) days and cannot be extended. Foreign tourists can leave the territory of Indonesia through any immigration control area in Indonesia, not necessarily through Bali or Riau Islands.
“So not all tourists from ASEAN countries can use the Visa Exemption facility. Only those who have permanent resident status in Singapore, or Singaporeans,” explained Amran.
Not only Visa Exemption, but in the Riau Islands, a Visa on Arrival (VoA) is also applied for tourists from the following countries/entity and also for those who already have Singapore permanent residents:
The United States of America
Saudi Arabia
Brunei Darussalam
The United Kingdom
South Korea
“The VoA fee for Tourism is Rp. 500,000 (US$35), following Government Regulation No. 28 of 2019. Tourists must prepare a passport that is still valid for at least six months, a return ticket or a connecting ticket to continue traveling to other countries, and other documents required by the Covid-19 Task Force, “explained Amran.
Amran added that the Stay Permit originating from VOA for Tourism is a Visitor Stay Permit, which is granted for a maximum period of 30 days and can be extended for a maximum of 1 (one) time. The extension of the Stay Permit is granted for a period of 30 days and is carried out at the immigration office according to the area where the foreigner resides while in Indonesia.
“Visitor Stay Permits from VoA for Tourism cannot be changed into other types of Stay Permit,” added Amran. Amran also demanded that foreigners and tourism industry players cooperate with immigration officials. The owner or manager of hotels is obliged to provide information or data regarding foreigners staying as a guest to ease the supervision of foreigners.
“Foreigners who are confirmed to have misused their stay permits will be subject to immigration sanctions. Likewise, if they have violated health protocols and disrupted public order, they will be subject to sanctions according to the applicable laws and regulations,” concluded Amran.
With this new provision, the Visitor Visa Exemption in the Framework of the Travel Bubble Mechanism in the Batam, Bintan, and Singapore Areas During the 2019 Corona Virus Disease Pandemic is revoked and declared invalid.
More Info : imigrasi.go.id
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